The mission of the David and Laura Stanton Foundation is to make the world better by educating at risk children and promoting adoption, nationwide and worldwide.
We continue to serve happily.

"We are born to serve." - David and Laura Stanton
David and Laura Stanton take this role as servants to humanity very seriously. Deciding to act upon this mission, the Stantons choose to share with the less fortunate during their lifetimes. The Stanton Foundation, conceived in the late 1990's, began by putting this role into action with a commitment to two very personal issues - education and adoption.
As a reading specialist and consultant, Laura Stanton realizes the importance of reading. Laura's bilingual children ABC book, Animals/Animales, is donated to children in need throughout the country. As a former teacher, Laura recognizes the importance of the role of teachers. In its fifth year, the "Teacher of the Year" honors the "best of the best" annually with a cash award to express their gratitude. The Stantons' hope is to "raise the bar" and encourage other educators to realize the importance of their chosen profession. Surrounding communities are now participating in this terrific program.
During the past 15 years, David Stanton has continued to sponsor the poor through many worldwide organizations. These include the UNBOUND program that matches donors with people of all ages - children, handicapped and the elderly. Photos and regular interactive communication cement this loving bond.
The Stantons are committed to these issues. They plan to ensure their goals by placing them into perpetuity. Wishing to make their mark, the Stantons plan to leave the world a little better than they found it. They assist the people they serve reaizing that giving is far more satisfying than receiving.
They continue to serve happily.
Recognizing teachers who have enriched the lives of their students and shown dedication to their schools and community.
Supporting foster care adoption programs to help kids who've been waiting the longest for a permanent, loving home.

Supporting the Barney Charter School Initiative, an outreach program of Hillsdale College devoted to the revitalization of public education.
Sponsoring children, young adults and elders through Unbound - investing in individual ideas and initiative that changes lives and even entire communities.